
Re-Engage with work

Maternity Coaching Individual
We understand that having a baby is a huge event! And most will say that it is a lot more challenging and tiring than they ever anticipated. Having a baby and juggling a return to work and keeping your career on track can sometimes feel isolating and overwhelming. Having an additional layer of support in the form of an external coach will ease the transition from home to work and make your return a more confident one. Our maternity programme is designed to support you before, during and after your maternity leave. This typically involves 3 coaching sessions with an optional additional follow up session. We work with you so that when the time arrives for you to return to work, you are prepared to re-engage with your career in a planned, structured and managed way.

Psychometric Testing & Assessment
Ensuring your talent management strategy is aligned with your business strategy is imperative for growth, development and innovation. Ensuring that your hiring and promotion strategy is equitable, fair and unbiased is also imperative. With recent changes to reporting requirements on gender appointments, gender quota’s and gender pay gap, having unbiased selection tools to support and supplement your hiring and appointment strategy makes sense.

Career Transition Programmes
We understand and appreciate that career transition can be a challenging and unknown entity in your employees professional lives. We therefore provide a comprehensive programme to support businesses as they in turn prepare to support their employees in navigating the opportunities and challenges career transition brings.