New Parent Coaching
Becoming a new parent is one of life’s major events. It is a time of significant change in all parents lives and a new baby can bring joy and challenge when managing your career and working arrangements.
New parental leave and paternity entitlements coupled with welcome changes to our equality legislation, means all new parents can benefit from extended leave. With this benefit comes the challenge of balancing work and home life and often dual careers.
Our parental coaching programme provides one to one support for individuals as they transition to being a working parent
Our Programme Offers:
- Emotional, Psychological and Practical Support – in your preparation for parenthood whilst managing and maintaining your career.
- Confidentiality and Objectivity – to discuss and encourage you to find the best work-life balance for your family
- Our Experience – you will be reassured and motivated in the knowledge that other parents we work with have shared similar experiences
- Prepare you with increased confidence – as you continue to progress in your career
- Information on Work Patterns & Flexible Options – and assist you in your decision making process
- Career Development Support to ensure your career progresses as you would like it to in a balanced way which fits in with your new family
“We believe that all parents need to be supported when welcoming a new child into their lives”
For more information, please Get In Touch